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Gospel Cart

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Do you have a passion for evangelism and outreach?

Do you have a burden for taking the Gospel into villages, towns and cities?

Have you seen the Jehovah’s Witnesses everywhere with their trolley?

Well, we have produced The Gospel Cart, now used by many churches.

It will fit into most car boots.

We can also produce magnetic signs with your own Church details on them in any language.

Please see full details below.

Fully assembled - Height 1405mm
Fully assembled - Width 378mm
Fully assembled - Weight Approx. 20kg
Top Literature Compartment 300mm
Middle Literature Compartment 190mm
Bottom Literature Compartment 235mm

The Gospel Cart has some great features:

  • It’s very portable and can be used in your local town, car-boots, at the sea-front etc. You can park it up next to a bench and sit by it, while it ‘preaches’ to those walking by. There are just so many places you can take it. It also has adjustable feet for uneven ground.
  • The top removes and slides down into the actual cart for transporting it and wheeling it to its destination.
  • The actual cart weighs approximately 20kg and can easily be lifted into the boot of a car. It is powder-coated and is built to last, being manufactured in England. The wheels are very durable and can also be changed if you wear them out. We also offer replacement wheels if ever needed.
  • We can print what you want on the magnetic signs. The text and size of the font that we have used can be seen from a great distance, so I wouldn’t use lots of text, keep it simple and straight to the point. The colour of the sign matches the red on the Gospel Cart. We also produce a white sign with black text on it.
  • Please note two handles – the rubber one is for pulling / wheeling the Gospel Cart. The metal handle is used to take off the top and slide it inside for transportation. You can see this performed in the photos, it’s a clever idea and works very well.
  • You can fit lots of different sized tracts in the slots provided and we have deliberately kept the top-shelf ‘free’ in case you wanted to add some A4 sheets, or booklets such as your own literature, church invitations etc. The first shelf can take up to A4, the second and third up to A6, and the bottom up to A5.
  • You can also purchase the small sign we have produced telling everyone that you are NOT Jehovah’s Witnesses. This works really well.
  • There are also other storage pockets at the back along with a deep storage box where you can fit your Bible, Christian Soldier’s Battle Notes, A5 or A6 tracts, pens, pads etc. (even your lunch!)
  • There is also a Gospel Cart cover available, please see webshop for details.
  • There are four Perspex slides that stop the literature from falling out.
  • The Gospel Cart is built to last. We have spent a lot of time going back and forth with the manufacturer to get things right. • If you wanted a ‘matching’ red chair you could order a good quality, but inexpensive one, from GOPAK (

The Gospel Cart is now being used by many Christians and churches throughout the UK & overseas. We can ship anywhere in the world. It is a great tool to help you in your evangelism of reaching lost souls with the Gospel. Already we have had testimonies of how people have been drawn to it, due to its bright red colour, good signage and attractive tracts. People have then entered into conversation, two of which received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. It’s a great tool to use, and non-offensive. You can just park it up and sit next to it. People will automatically come up to the Gospel Cart and take a booklet or tract, you then have an opportunity to talk with them.

The JW’s are nervous, as they’ve now seen the Gospel Cart, and it’s been photographed by them at least twice. Word is getting out... Bible Believers are on their way! Why not send the Gospel Cart as a gift to an evangelist or church? One elderly lady did just that, knowing that she couldn’t use it being in her eighties, she bought one for a Christian. He gives here regular updates of the ministry that she is now a part of.

May the Lord continue to bless the Gospel Cart and all those who use it for His glory.

More Information
Author John E. Davis
Publisher Time for Truth!
Weight 22.0050
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